There are plenty of different techniques to use when observing organisms, but the hanging drop slide technique is unique. Other methods work best with viewing a specimen encased in a somewhat solid...
Posts by Brandon Ward
When you look up at the nighttime sky and see stars, those shining celestial bodies are in contrast against the dark backdrop of the nighttime sky though they are billions of light-years away. Dark...
Microscopes are incredible tools but they're not useful unless you know how to use them. In order to see anything, samples need to be properly mounted and prepared. And one of the stains that's used...
The microscopic world is available to everybody young and old, but only if they have a proper microscope. The question that remains now is, "what is a stereo microscope, and is it right for me?"...
As the most basic of microscopy techniques, bright-field microscopy is also the most common. Bright-field microscopy is a very basic, popular technique in which the magnified image appears dark...
Stentor is a genus of trumpet-shaped ciliates found primarily in stagnant fresh water. There are 22 known species of Stentor but there are most likely more that have yet to be discovered. Reaching a...